Back to Basics: A Guide to TPMS Programming Tools
Tires need to be kept in good condition for the safety of the vehicle owner and all drivers on the road. After all, they are the only component connecting the vehicle to the road. A big part of keeping tires in good shape is ensuring proper tire pressure and adherence to manufacturer requirements. In addition to TPMS sensors, TPMS programming and diagnostic tools play an important role in your TPMS program.
TPMS programming tool functionalities:
For installing or replacing programmable TPMS sensors like Schrader’s EZ-sensor®, you need a compatible TPMS programming and diagnostic tool. Since sensor application specifications vary by the make, model, and year of the vehicle being serviced and programmable sensors come blank it is important to program them to the specific application prior to installation using the tool.
Before programming a new sensor, it is recommended to test the sensors already installed on the vehicle using the same TPMS diagnostic/ programming tool. This helps to confirm the tool’s vehicle settings, avoid protocol mismatch, and identify if a tool software update is required. Make sure the tool battery is sufficiently charged to program and read your sensors accurately.
TPMS programming and diagnostics tool maintenance:
Now that we have reviewed the programming functionality of a TPMS tool, it’s time to talk about the tool maintenance and what this means for the shops. TPMS programming tools are very low on maintenance, on top of sufficiently charging your tool before usage you need to ensure it's updated to the latest software.
Every TPMS tool manufacturer releases frequent software updates, that provide new and improved features, content, and capabilities. These updates add new vehicle coverage and relearn procedures to the tool. Additionally, software updates include new or updated coverage information about different types of programmable sensors, such as Schrader’s EZ-sensor®.
Why should you update your programming tool? Outdated tool software is one of the leading causes of delays when servicing the TPMS system, due to missing new applications or relearn procedures. Keeping your tool up to date can ensure a faster service and avoid potential lost sales. Make sure your shop receives regular communications from the tool manufacturer regarding the new software updates. Schrader recommends checking for new software updates at least once a month. Check out this link to find more information on updating your tool:
Written by Leyla Saad